
Do Files Register Immediately In Re2 Remake Or Do I Need To Beat The Game

You're not quite washed with the Resident Evil 2 remake still. In that location are even so a few Records to set earlier you're a Raccoon City Native.

Like Resident Evil: Revelations 2 before information technology, the 2019 Resident Evil 2remake has its own built-in set of quasi-achievements, which it calls Records. There are 87 of them in full, many of which are locked or unexplained when you first start the game.

When you lot complete a Record, the game doesn't fully track information technology until the next time y'all open the Records screen, bachelor from the break carte du jour in-game, or under Bonuses in the main menu.

About of the Records in the game, when achieved, unlock entries in the Gallery, such equally concept art (see beneath) or character models. A scattering also unlock bonus weapons, grapheme costumes, and extra gameplay modes.

You don't officially complete a Tape until you lot open the Records screen or finish a scenario, at which point the game pops up a notification and gives you any rewards that might be attached to the Tape. This does work retroactively; for example, if y'all complete a Tape that awards a bonus weapon, you can reload one-time saves and the new weapon will of a sudden exist available in the nearest item box.

Finishing the 86 other Records in the game unlocks the concluding one, Raccoon Urban center Native, which is besides the Platinum Bays on the PlayStation iv version.

Records that are also trophies or achievements are marked with an asterisk(*).

Read Part 1 of this Records guide for story style, gameplay, and rank Records.

Combat Records

Notably, all combat-focused Records can be accomplished as easily in the Survivor bonus modes as in the main game. Some are fifty-fifty a little easier; for instance, Flan tin can go Human Power Plant very hands, despite not beingness homo.

Don't Need No Stinkin' Gun*

Impale any enemy with a pocketknife. This is probably easiest to do by stabbing a downed zombie, but there are a couple of enemies who are surprisingly easy to take down with a good stabbing frenzy, well-nigh notably Lickers.

Consume This!*

Counterattack when grabbed with a grenade or knife.

Handy with a Handgun

Kill 10 enemies with a handgun.

Matter of Splatter

Kill 10 enemies with a shotgun.

You Die… Over There!

Kill 5 enemies with the grenade launcher.

Trigger Happy

Impale x enemies with a submachine gun.

This is easiest to do with weaker enemies like dogs or the little G-Spawns that the sewer mutants will throw at you. The SMG, nether ordinary circumstances, is a lot better at dismemberment than raw damage.

Homo Power Establish

Kill 5 enemies with the Spark Shot. This is constitute in the Sewer Storage Room in Claire's entrada, and it comes standard in Flan'due south loadout when you play Tofu Survivor.

Bring Marshmallows!

Impale 5 enemies with the Chemical Flamethrower. This is found in the Sewer Storage Room in Leon'southward entrada.

Got a Problem, Punk?

Impale 5 enemies with a Magnum.

Master Tactician

Kill ten enemies with grenades and/or knives.

Ii Birds, One Rock

Kill two enemies at once with a single bullet or shotgun boom. The "bullet" in question volition likely be Leon's Magnum, equally it can penetrate through multiple targets.

This is probably easiest to exercise in The 4th Survivor bonus mode, especially in zombie-choked areas like the secret area behind the Workers' Break Room.

A Shocking End

Hit an enemy with the Spark Shot and keep aiming at it until the needles overload. It takes a few seconds, simply it'southward too a really good mode to deal with the big G-mutants in the sewers.

Bon Appetit

After landing a successful counterattack on a dog, zombie, or Licker with a frag or flash grenade, it ends up lodged in the enemy's mouth. If you simply wait, information technology'll go off on its own for minimal issue. All the same, you can manually detonate it by shooting information technology, which causes a bigger explosion and accomplishes this Record.

Zombie Roundup*

Impale at least 3 zombies with a single frag grenade. I've plant this is easiest to do on the stairs leading down to the waterway from the Treatment Control Room, as you tin can pitch a frag grenade downwardly the steps and, with a little luck, kill the two zombies waiting there, plus the "sleeping" zombie nearby.

Another proficient option is right afterwards the last boss fight in Leon'southward scenario. When the lift reaches the lesser of the complex, four zombies will flare-up through a door at yous, all of which have very low health. If you have even one frag grenade on you, this Record'due south a cinch.

Merely A Torso

Shoot off a single zombie'due south artillery and legs. You can withal go this Tape by brutalizing a zombie that's already dead, so it can be accomplished easily on whatever difficulty.

A Doff of the Cap

Shoot a hat off of five zombies' heads. This can include policeman'southward caps, which means you'll probably get this past blow earlier yous've left the RPD. If not, the sewer zombies who are withal wearing hard hats will get you the residuum of the way in that location.

Like Skeet Shooting*

Shoot a canis familiaris or Licker out of the air as it leaps at yous.

This is one of those achievements that's easy to do past accident, but trying to do information technology on purpose will only frustrate you, like parrying arrows with your knife in RE5. I got it in 4th Survivor by trying to kill the domestic dog pack in the Flow Control Room with Hunk's MP5.

Keep Their Heads Ringin'*

Drib a wink grenade on an unaware Licker. Do not get anywhere most information technology afterward, as it lashes out in random directions for a few seconds while it'due south deaf.

Hats Off!*

Knock off Mr. X's fedora with a successful headshot. You tin do this with any weapon, but be enlightened that it ordinarily gets him angry.

Have a Sabbatical

If yous manage to land several consecutive headshots on Mr. X or blow him upwardly with a frag grenade, he drops to one knee and is stunned for about twoscore seconds. This usually isn't worth the ammo, just y'all tin take advantage of it for this Tape and an opportunity to get some distance.

Hate to Outburst Your Bulb

Ivy zombies have a number of lighter-colored greenish bulbs on their bodies. Shooting those bulbs makes them explode, stunning the Ivy for a 2nd. If you pop them all, the Ivy drops to the floor.

This requires precise aiming, ideally with a handgun with a laser sight like the one Claire finds in the RPD's parking garage, and it is easiest to practise on Assisted difficulty.

It'south easygoing one of the trickier records in the game, nonetheless, as it requires you to only hit the bulbs.

Right in the Eyeball

During your outset fight confronting the One thousand-Type, in the maintenance room, use a knife to hitting the giant eyeball on his arm.

If he manages to take hold of you and you break free by counterattacking with a knife, information technology counts for this record.


Inflict plenty damage on the G-Type during your second fight with it, at the terminate of the sewers section, that a single hit from the crane is enough to end the encounter.

This is tricky, peculiarly on Standard or higher difficulty. What can help is that whatever damage you lot inflict on the G during the run-up to the crane platform does even so count toward its total health pool, so you can shoot its arm in the power room, drop a grenade in its confront when it tears the door open, and put a round or 2 in it while you're running from it.

Put that Down!

During your fight with the K-Type in the bioreactor room, he occasionally breaks off to pick up and throw fuel canisters at you. Doing and then exposes an eyeball between his shoulder blades.

If y'all target and destroy it while he's property the canister, he'll drib it and go stunned, which too completes this record.

Yous Belong on the Basis

In Claire's terminal fight against the K-Type, when he runs off to cling to the wall of the elevator shaft, shoot him down with the minigun before he can leap at you lot.

Maxed Out

In Leon'due south fight against the Super Tyrant, information technology has a movement where it pauses and spreads its arms, which is the tell that it's setting up for its instant-kill charge attack. Go along it from charging by shooting it in the heart on its breast with a couple of rounds from whatever weapon.

With Time to Spare*

As Claire, defeat the last G mutation with four minutes or more left on the self-destruct inaugural.

The play a trick on is that the G only actually takes damage when you hit his eyes, so simply hosing atomic number 82 into him with the minigun doesn't practice much. Focus your attacks on the cluster of optics in his heart, and don't shoot at all unless you have a clear line of burn on them.

If he's been reduced to crawling along the floor at you, y'all've officially won the fight; he'll expire on his own after near 30 seconds. This is mostly well-nigh maximizing your damage while yous have the opportunity, rather than randomly blazing abroad at him.

In the Blink of an Centre*

As Leon, defeat the Super Tyrant with five minutes or more left on the self-destruct countdown.

The Super Tyrant is actually a timed run into. If you lot're still alive later three minutes and thirty seconds, Ada automatically throws you the rocket launcher, one shot from which ends the fight. Whatsoever harm you inflict on the Tyrant in the meantime takes time off that clock, only in surprisingly small increments.

At best, you're probably always going to exist stuck fighting the Super Tyrant for at least 90 seconds.

With that in listen, getting this record is by and large about how fast you navigate the department leading up to it. Leon doesn't have to look for Sherry, so he has a slight speed advantage here, but knowing the map and avoiding what fights you lot can make a big divergence.

The Super Tyrant can too be stunned with flash and frag grenades, and you lot can dispense it to only use its easy-to-dodge spring assault by constantly staying as far away as possible.

Alternatively, if you manage to get an Southward+ rank on Hardcore difficulty as Leon and unlock the infinite rocket launcher, 1 shot from information technology volition automatically destroy the Super Tyrant as shortly as the fight starts.

Collectibles Records

Vermin Extermination*

Destroy a Mr. Raccoon statue.

Endangered Species

Destroy 10 Mr. Raccoons.

Complete Vermin Extermination*

Destroy all xv Mr. Raccoons.

We've actually got a well-written and thoughtful guide specifically for Mr. Raccoon statues. I recall y'all should use that.

Treasure Hunter*

Develop the "Hiding Places" film in the Workroom in the sewers, as discussed in yetsome otherhandy guide on this site, and use it to discover two hidden item stashes in the RPD.

Hip to Add Squares*

Find a Hip Pouch.

A Waist of Space*

Find all the Hip Pouches in the game and max out your inventory.

This Record is only possible on Assisted or Standard difficulties, as the easier-to-notice Hip Pouches are replaced by ink ribbons in Hardcore mode.

Hip Pouches can always exist found in locker 203 in the RPD's Secure Storage Room; inside the safety under the captain's desk in the RPD'southward W Part; and inside one of the pods in the Nap Room in the lab, once you restore power with the signal modulator.

On Assisted and Standard difficulties, on either a commencement or second run, you lot can find a Hip Pouch in a locker in the maintenance expanse prophylactic room after your showtime fight with the Thou-Type and on a bench in the Workroom in the sewer.

On a commencement run, at that place'south besides a Hip Pouch on a table in the West Storage Room on the RPD's third floor, by the C4 charge. Notwithstanding, on a 2d run, that Pouch gets moved to the RPD'southward front desk.

Gun Fanatic

Collect all half dozen weapons in Leon'southward game.

Gun Enthusiast

Collect all vii weapons in Claire'south game.

Both characters tin can find several weapons in the same places throughout their scenarios, and gain admission to them in the same ways. In either instance, your starting weapon automatically counts towards the totals here.

  • The shotgun or grenade launcher is in the Secure Storage Room on the RPD'southward first floor, which is unlocked via the weapons locker keycard institute in the Art Room on the second.
  • The SMG or Magnum is in the STARS Part's Arsenal, which is locked past the nearby PC. To find the USB security dongle that opens it, you demand the Red Precious stone and the Ornate Box (in the Interrogation Room on a first run, and the Men's Locker Room on the second). Once you have it open up, examine the STARS Badge to discover the switch on the back, and plug it into the PC in the Armory. (Whew!)
  • The Spark Shot or flamethrower is in the Supplies Storage Room in the sewers, and it requires both the king and queen plugs to access. It's not hard to find, simply the real fob is remembering to take enough spare inventory space that you can bring both plugs and your new gun with you when you lot get out.

In Claire's game, y'all'll find the minigun in the aforementioned role where you lot start upwardly the train platform.

In Leon's, yous'll exist thrown the rocket launcher if you survive long enough during the terminal battle with the Tyrant.

In both characters' second runs, they can find a new, exclusive weapon by visiting the storeroom nether the RPD's entrance. Claire receives a unmarried-activity .45 revolver, while Leon gets a .45 pistol. In other words, to consummate this Tape, you need to at least begin both characters' second run.

Finally, Claire tin can get a semiautomatic handgun with a laser sight her old Browning Hi-Power from the 1998 RE2, in fact in the RPD's parking garage. Go to the firing range and get the cleaved car central out of the yellow lunchbox almost the archway.

Examine it to discover the lock switch for the car, and press that button while you're standing in the parking garage.

Packed Pockets

Collect all 8 custom parts in Leon's game.

Packed Backpack

Collect all seven custom parts in Claire's game.

Both Leon and Claire tin can find 6 of their weapon mods in the same locations:

  • Inside Leon's desk-bound in the RPD's Westward Office.
  • In the safe in the Waiting Room on the RPD's 2nd
  • In the safe in the Flow Command Room in the sewers.
  • Inside the STARS storage box at the bottom of the stairs underneath the goddess statue.
  • In the lesser left drawer of Wesker's desk-bound in the STARS Function, but only afterwards you've developed the "Hiding Places" whorl of film from the Workers' Break Room in the sewers.
  • In the left-mitt locker in the lab'due south Nap Room.

Claire tin can notice a custom part for the grenade launcher in the Elevator Control Room in the RPD'due south basement, next to Chief Irons's individual lift.

Leon tin find a custom part for the shotgun on the shelves near the entrance of Robert Kendo's gunshop, and a custom part for the Matilda handgun past opening the trunk of the wrecked police force car in the parking garage. (Claire finds a semiautomatic handgun there instead.)

Dark Times, Dark Room

Find and develop all 5 rolls of moving-picture show.

Lore Explorer*

Read all 58 files in the game, as per our guide on the subject field.

Master of Unlocking*

Open all of the safes and combination locks in the game.

There are three onetime-fashioned safes strewn throughout RE2, as well equally five code locks, each of which takes a three-letter "password." The safes' combinations can all exist institute in diverse files, while the solutions to the code locks are a little trickier. The combinations do non change between scenarios or runs.

Beneath, y'all can find each necessary safe or locker's location, where you go to notice the solution, and underneath, if necessary, the actual solution.

Safe #i, RPD Westward Office: Read the Internal Memo file behind Wesker'south desk in the STARS Part.
Solution: L9, R15, L7

Safe #2, RPD Waiting Room, 2nd Floor: Read the Confiscation Report file in the RPD's Observation Room.
Solution: L6, R2, L11

Safe #3, Treatment Pool Room: Read the Delivery Receipt file on the tabular array at the end of the Cable Car Platform. (Or bank check the left side of the safe.)
Solution: L2, R12, L8

Code Lock #1 & #ii, RPD Due west Role: Read the Rookie's Kickoff Assignment file on Leon'southward airtight desk, then check the six nearby desks for their owners' name plates.
Solutions: NED, MRG

Code Lock #3, RPD West Fly, tertiary floor: Develop the ringlet of film establish behind the check-in desk at the Firing Range in the RPD's basement.
Solution: DCM

Code Lock #4, RPD Men'due south Locker Room, second floor: Written on a whiteboard in the side function north of the Records Room on the first flooring.
Solution: CAP

Lawmaking Lock #five, Sewers Control Room: Bank check the Jazz Festival Flyer in the Workers' Break Room for clues.
Solution: SZF

Puzzle Records

A Vault-Similar Mind*

Open a Portable Safe. You lot can find your kickoff one early in a first run in the men's locker room on the second flooring of the RPD. One is always in the Linen Room near the STARS Office, accessible but one time you accept the diamond key from the Morgue, just on a second run, the other Safe is moved to the Interrogation Room on the first floor.

The solutions to Portable Safes are randomized every fourth dimension, but each button corresponds to a calorie-free on the prophylactic. All y'all have to exercise is hit the buttons in the right guild to light them all upward in sequence, which takes a scrap of trial and error.

Immature Escapee*

In Claire'southward game, when you play equally Sherry, escape from the Bedroom inside 60 seconds. Y'all'll want to exercise this on Assisted or Standard because yous tin can revert to the autosave correct at the starting time of this department if y'all blow information technology.

The question here is how quickly yous can solve the block puzzle and go the Scissors. Fortunately, one time you know the shortcut, it's not every bit difficult as information technology sounds.

Turn effectually immediately, grab the doll, examine it in your inventory, and plow it effectually to notice the Block inside. Have it to the puzzle in the corner of the room, where information technology automatically gets installed in the fourth slot. At present, accept the beginning cake and motion it two spots over, to the third position.

From here, just spin the blocks until the symbols match, grab the Pair of scissors, and employ them on the cardboard that's blocking the wall.

Excursion Breaker

In Leon's offset run, rewire the console on Ben'south jail cell door and open it inside 13 moves.

The easiest way to show the solutions here, and on the iii subsequent similar Records, is simply to display an epitome of how the puzzle looks when information technology's been successfully completed. Keep this nearby when you play the game, on scratch paper or your telephone, and use it to guide your moves. For each of the power panel puzzles, getting the Record requires that you make no wrong moves at all.

When you install the two Ability Parts in this console, information technology initially looks like this.

Yous desire information technology to wait like this.

Hardly Any Resistance

In Leon'due south second run, rewire the console on Ben's cell door and open information technology inside 8 moves.

Equally above, you start off like this:

And you want to get it like this:

Voltage Virtuoso

In Claire'southward showtime run, rewire the door panel in the Private Ascertainment Room inside seven moves.

This is the hardest of the iv power panel Records, considering information technology'southward the most hard to eyeball. The trick is basically to not overthink it.

It starts off looking like this.

To solve it, you lot'll get it to await like this.

Assuming it'southward a filigree, with A through D on the meridian going correct, and one through 4 on the left going downwardly: hit C3, A1, B4, and D3, before spinning the blue T-shaped block at C3 until the puzzle completes.

A Jewel Amid Joules

In Claire'southward second run, rewire the door panel in the Individual Observation Room inside 11 moves.

You starting time like this:

...and you want to end up like this.


On either character's 1st Run, fill the herbicide cartridge in the Drug Testing Lab in eight moves.

This is basically the old puzzle well-nigh how to precisely fill up a five-gallon jug past using two iii-gallon jugs. It's easier than it looks, but easy to mess up, especially if yous want this Record.

Push button the buttons in this society: center, left, right, centre, left, right, center, left.

Genius Chemist

On either character's second run, fill the herbicide cartridge in the Drug Testing Lab in nine moves.

Push button the buttons in this gild: right, middle, left, right, middle, left, right, heart, left.


This wraps up all of the Records in the 2019 Resident Evil 2, too every bit all of the achievements in the base of operations game. You'll need to go ii more from the complimentary Ghost Survivors DLC to call it 100% consummate, simply in the concurrently, at least you've gotten your money's worth out of the game.

To find more tips and guides, head over to our Resident Evil ii guides folio.

Published February. 18th 2019

Do Files Register Immediately In Re2 Remake Or Do I Need To Beat The Game,


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