What is an ISRC?

The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) system is the international system for the identification of recorded music and music videos. Each ISRC is a unique identifier that tin can be permanently encoded into a recording or music video. Encoded ISRCs automatically place recordings for PPL payments.

PPL is the appointed sole agency for ISRCs in the UK. You should asking an ISRC 'stem' (or showtime registrant lawmaking) when yous go a PPL recording rightsholder member. This stem is three messages allocated in sequence from PPL'southward database that is specific to each recording rightsholder member.

Your unique stem enables y'all to assign individual ISRC codes to recordings.

An ISRC is fabricated up of 12 characters and dissever into 4 sections:

  • The starting time two characters place the state where the member is based (eg, 'Great britain' represents 'Uk'). Please note, as each land code has a limited number of possible registrant codes, this may vary. We may allocate you a stem with a GB, GX or alternative prefix.
  • The next three charactersidentify the recording rightsholder. We classify these 3 letters and numbers – they are specific to you equally the rightsholder. (Please annotation that this code does not imply permanent buying of the recording or video. The code volition non alter if the recording is afterwards licensed to a different possessor.)
  • The next two charactersidentify the yearin which the specific recording was given an ISRC.
  • The last five characters arethe choice of the rightsholder when allocating recordings with an ISRC. These characters are always numbers. The easiest way to organise this section of the lawmaking is to give the first recording '00001', the second '00002', etc. The sequence tin be reset to '00001' when a new year's day of reference (section iii, detailed in a higher place) is applicative.

How do I request an ISRC stem?

Yous can request an ISRC stem when you lot bring together PPL as a recording rightsholder member. During the registration process, you will be asked "Do you already have an ISRC First Registrant Code (e.g. GB-AN1)?" Delight answer "No, please provide me with ane" and nosotros volition allocate you a code.

If you are already registered equally a PPL recording rightsholder member and require a new or boosted ISRC, you can request an ISRC by logging into your myPPL account and requesting a new 'ISRC merely' registration.

If you want an ISRC stem merely exercise not wish to join PPL for royalty collection, please select "I want an ISRC only do non wish to register as a PPL member" from the list of registration options hither.

Please note you only need to employ for a new ISRC registrant code when there is a completely new rightsholder. A new track owned by the same rightsholder, or rightsholders, can keep using the aforementioned first 5 characters with the additional seven digits identifying this equally a unique rails.

Looking for more than data nigh PPL membership?

Joining PPL is gratuitous. If your music has been played on radio, Tv, online or in public, you could be entitled to royalties.

Learn more than about becoming a PPL member